About the US Embassy Delegation Visit to Natural History Museum
at MSU
US Embassy delegation consisting of Michael Sullivan;
Natalya Dobrovolskaya and Natalya Mitoussova got familiarized with
the development of MSU-SUNY partnership relations in ecological
education at the invitation of MSU. The delegation met with Vice-Rector
Alexander Sidorovich, Director Andrei Smurov, MSU Ecocenter, Director
Olga Rossolimo, MSU Zoological Museum, Deputy Director Vladimir
Kozoderov, MSU Museum of Earth Studies. SUNY Representative Olga
Zinovieva also took part in this meeting. In the cause of the visit
representatives of the US Embassy expressed their interest to the
SUNY-MSU joint ecological programs and their desire to participate
in the SUNY-MSU Ecological Conference in October , 2004, Ecological
University Forum ass well as the agenda of the visit of the American
Museum of natural History of NY to Moscow and MSU Museums of Natural