Summary of SUNY/MSU
Center Activities
SUNY/MSU Programs:
SUNY Professional
Fellows Program - description and criteria of eligibility.
Short-term lecturing by SUNY Faculty
Members at MSU - conditions.
Plans for the Academic Year 2000-2001
2-week visit of Dr. Oleg Medvedev, Dean Faculty of
Basic Medicine, MSU to the four SUNY medical schools.
Visit of Ms. Svetlana Sigida to SUNY Purchase, SUNY
Albany and SUNY Potsdam, Crane School of Music to lecture and discuss
exchange opportunities. One initiative proposed was a joint teaching
exchange between the Crane School and the Tchaikovsky Conservatory
where the instructors would play each other's music with student
participation in the live performance.
Under SUNY Albany, MSU exchange, Tatiana Vasilieva
spent spring semester teaching Russian. Graduate student Roshochenko
spent the 1999-2000 academic year in research.
March, 2000: Dr. Oleg Medvedev signs agreement with
Medical School at SUNY Buffalo for exchange of student interns.
May 11, 2000: First meeting of the Board of Directors,
SUNY Center on Russia and the United States. Governor George W.
Pataki in attendance. Meeting chaired by Chancellor Robert L. King
and Chancellor Emeritus John W. Ryan. MSU representatives were Dr.
Oleg Medvedev, Dean of the Faculty of Basic Medicine and Dr. Svetlana
Ter-Minasova, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
May 12 - May 19: visit of Dr. Svetlana Ter-Minasova
to five SUNY campuses. At SUNY New Paltz, discussion of a joint
training course for businessmen interested in doing business in
Russia. At lunch, Dr. Roger Bowen, President of the college, expressed
his keen interest in expanding relations. Contact person, Dr. Henry
Urbanski. At SUNY Oneonta, agreement on a joint course offered over
the SUNY Learning Network on "Doing Business in Russia."
Contact person: Richard Insinga. At SUNY Albany, visit with Dr.
Istvan Kecskes, Chair, Department of ESL. Discussion of development
of a dual degree program and exchange of students. Visit to Slavic
Languages section. Meeting with Dr. Charles Rugal, Chair of Slavic
Languages Section, Department of Foreign Languages and James M.
Pasquill, Assistant Director of International Programs, on the SUNY
Albany/MSU exchange. At SUNY Cortland, brief meetings with Dr. Henry
Steck, Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Political
Science, Dr. Gharish Bhat, Department of Political Science, Dr.
Thomas Pasquarello, Professor, Chair of the Center for Environmental
and Outdoor Education, and Dr. John Ryder, Dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences. Agreement on working with MSU's Prof. Luri Rogulev
of the Faculty of History in the development of a jointly taught
Russian studies course. The course would be opened to all students
on the SUNY campuses and all students at MSU. A brief meeting with
SUNY Cortland President Judson H. Taylor, the President expressed
his strong interest in the Center's initiatives. At SUNY Buffalo,
meetings with Dr. Stephen C. Dunnett, Vice Provost for International
Education and Director, English Language Institute, Janice A. Nersinger,
Program Director, Overseas Programs of the English Language Institute,
John K. Fitzer, Program Director, English as Second Language Programs
and Kathleen L. Curtis, Associate Director and Foreign Student Advisor,
the English Language Institute. The meetings had a very positive
outcome. Dr. Dunnett agreed to accept one English speaking instructor
from Dr. Ter-Minasova's department to teach a full teaching load
at UB in the Language Institute for the next academic year. In addition,
there was much discussion on a joint degree program, the exchange
of student interns, and last but not least, the development of a
joint course in American studies to be taught over the SUNY Learning
Network. Participation in course development could not be finalized
because Dr. Michael Frisch, Director of Graduate Studies, and recently
elected President of the National American Studies Association,
was out of town.
The final meeting of Dr. Ter-Minasova's program was
with Christine Haile, Director of the SUNY Learning Network. Ms.
Haile clarified the development of a distance learning course. After
some discussion, it was decided that SUNY and MSU would collaborate
on the offering of three new SLN courses for spring 2001: Doing
Business in Russia (SUNY Oneonta and MSU Faculty of Foreign Languages);
Russian studies (SUNY Cortland and MSU Faculty of Foreign Languages),
American studies (SUNY Buffalo and MSU Faculty of History). It was
agreed that there would be two training sessions, The first would
take place in early October 2000 in Albany. The second would be
at MSU in mid January.
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Plans for the Academic Year 2000-2001
September 4 SUNY Co-director of the Center on the
United States at MSU's Science Park, Moscow, Dr. Robert Goeckel,
takes up his position in Moscow. For the performance of his duties
there, Dr. Goeckel was awarded a grant from the Fulbright Committee.
September 7 to January 1, Dr. Ivan Zassoursky of the
Faculty of Journalism will be in residence on several SUNY campuses
to offer courses in modern history and journalism. Dr. Zassoursky
is the winner of MSU's 1999 prestigious Shuvalov Prize, awarded
annually for a graduate student work adjudged best written by a
senior academic editorial board. His award winning work is entitled
The Mass Media in the Second Republic. In addition to teaching,
Dr. Zassoursky hopes to conduct research for his next book on political
events as spectacle.
Early September, arrival of MSU instructor from the
Faculty of Philology to teach Russian language and literature at
SUNY Albany. Five students from this faculty and the Faculty of
Foreign Languages will also be coming.
Late September, early October: three week visit to
Moscow of Dr. Sophia Lubensky, Department of Foreign Languages,
and Dr. Laurie Feldman, Department of Psychology. The two will conduct
field tests on MSU students in the Faculties of Philology and Foreign
Languages. MSU has offered an office, access to students, and lodging.
First two weeks of October, first training session
of the MSU-SUNY teams preparing the three new courses to be offered
on the SUNY Learning Network.
Unscheduled but planned: As yet unscheduled
are four additional SUNY Professional Fellows, and the return visits
of four SUNY faculty to do two-week seminars at MSU in response
to requests from MSUs Faculty of Economics and Business. SUNY
faculty with expertise in English as a Foreign Language, Computer
Science, and other scientific disciplines will also go to teach
short courses. During the next year, MSU will form a new faculty
of agricultural science. Plans are already moving forward on the
development of a collaborative research agenda with this faculty
and the State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
at Cornell. A delegation is coming in July for an informational
meeting with faculty visits planned during the fall semester.
Governor Pataki and Chancellor King are leading the
effort to engage the private sector in support of the new Centers
exchange. We are continuing to work with the Department of State
on expanded Fulbright support of our centers, with USAID, the US
Congress and other institutions of the federal government. The international
experience opens minds to the world and breaks down cultural barriers.
General Electric and Citigroup are setting a national example of
corporations that have made a commitment to international scholarships
and leadership programs for students and teachers overseas. We are
working with them to put greater effort into Russia.
The principal aim of the new Center at Albany is to
make a semester or year abroad in Russia more accessible and relevant
to students and faculty on all the SUNY campuses, and to work to
ensure that this experience promotes career advancement. Our sister
Center in Moscow has the same goals for students and faculty at
MSU. Russias increasing stability makes it even more imperative
that New York States leaders in commerce, industry, agriculture
and education join with their counterparts in Russia to prepare
our future work force to do business with one another.
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