About us
The Center's activities began formally in January of the year 2000
with the appointment of Amb. Robert Gosende as Executive Director
and Prof. Barbara Jancar Webster as Academic Director. Amb. Gosende
is the State University's Director for International Programs. He
joined the State University last year after a career in the U.S.
Foreign Service. His last overseas assignment was as the Minister-Counselor
for Press and Cultural Affairs at the American Embassy in Moscow
from 1995-1998. Prof. Webster, a State University Distinguished
Professor of Politics, joined the Center as its Academic Director
after teaching at the University College at Brockport. She is one
of our country's leading specialists in Russian politics and economics.
The Center is located in the State University's magnificent, neo-Gothic
headquarters building in downtown Albany, at the foot of the New
York State Capital. When renovations are completed there will be
offices for the Academic Director, the visiting Russian Co-Director,
a secretary and a space for resource materials, meetings, and seminars.